Hughes Family

Hughes Family
Our annual Thanksgiving pic in 2010

Monday, December 3, 2012

Karlyn: Grateful in December!

Well I can't even thank all of you enough for helping with the sicklies this weekend.  I'm more than blessed to have all of you in my life and willing to help so much!  I think we are all better now, except mom.  Sorry you caught it.

And I'm grateful for surviving the race.  I wasn't sure I could do it and it happened!  I even think my legs can do it again!

I love all of you!!!!  I John 4:7-8

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

November 7: Thankful for Wednesdays

I'm definitely behind, but no less grateful. My thankfulness tonight is enough for the 6 previous November days that I haven't posted. I know I've shared with most of you already about my Wednesday night home group, but I just can't get over how much God is blessing this crew. Truthfully, I don't think anyone feels more blessed than I do to be a part of this group. Others of you may have experienced something like this before, but it is certainly a first for me. Imagine your best nights of church camp or a retreat or a revival, and then imagine how cool it would be to get that every Wednesday night, in the middle of your week, when life is stressful and you need something to get you through the rest of the week. A group of about 35 TEENAGERS (mostly seniors), not all from the same church, choose to meet together at a home and discuss what God is doing in their lives. And God allows me to be a witness to it. Now, I know you may be thinking, "We've all been a part of something like that! That's just a youth group meeting!" But no. This is different. It's like we all know God is going to do something really cool each week, and we all come expectant, and we are never disappointed. Maybe it is something that is experienced by lots of believers, but all I know is that I feel so incredibly blessed to know these students who love God and want to follow his direction. I believe it is an answer to my prayer to give Staci godly friends who challenge her in her faith and encourage her to grow stronger. And, as God has seen fit, the same is happening for me.Who is more privileged than me to be able to be involved with my daughter and her friends in such a meaningful way?

So, I'm thankful for Wednesdays. Anyone else?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Karlyn Day 2- 5

Happy Sunday night!

I'm grateful for a lot of things tonight.  I'm grateful that God knows my every day before it happens, that I live in a country where I have the freedom to vote for my government officials, that even on my hardest day I have the hope for an eternity without hardships, and I'm grateful that Joan is better!

Love y'all very much!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Karlyn, Sawyer, Knox day 1


Happy 1st of November.  I'm praying this month doesn't fly like last month!  Today I'm thankful to be home with Knox and Thea.  It was a fun day and I actually got the house clean!

Sawyer says he loves his whole family and his cousins that are far away!

Knox is thankful for his daddy's combine

Monday, October 1, 2012

OCTOBER is here!

I enjoy fall so much so I think I'm going to start my gratefuls in October this year!  Today I'm grateful for all the help I get from my family.  Joan and Mom thanks for all the help you've given me with the kids in the last 2 weeks!
Happy October 1st!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Life Lessons from Running...or Things I Knew All Along but Have Taken on New Meaning in a Less Sedentary Lifestyle

Get ready...I've been inspired...
1. Excuses are worthless.
    I used to think I couldn't run or do certain exercises because of my shape/body type. Since I started walking, wogging, jogging, and exercising a couple of months ago, I have seen ALL KINDS of people doing it. Who'd a thought?! Big people, skinny people, fat people, short people, old people, young people, tall people...I cannot excuse myself from doing what is good for my health. If THEY can do it, so can I! and why shouldn't I? 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

2. Setting a big, hairy, audacious goal (B-HAG) is great, but it's the baby steps that get you there.
    When Joan was inspired to do the half-marathon, and I jumped on board, I don't know what I thought my plan was going to be to get there. I'm so thankful for Joan and Karlyn to set the smaller goals along the way so that this B-HAG doesn't just become words. On a smaller scale, as I run my neighborhood, I'm often dealing with some daunting hills. I have learned to look ahead at the crest of the hill for only a split second to see what's ahead, and from then on, I only look a couple of feet ahead of me at a time. Seeing the whole trek at once is scary and makes me want to quit, but when I focus on just a little bit at a time, I'm at the top of the hill before I know it. Such is life, right? "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." A light at the feet isn't a spotlight to show the whole distance. It's just enough to get us through the next little bit and keep going.

3. Accountability is SO IMPORTANT!
    God made me a VERY social being, so this change in lifestyle for me has been so much more enjoyable with the people He has given to me to hold me accountable. My friend Missy (who is 41 has 18% body fat but loves me anyway) has been such an encourager to me. We are an awful lot alike, except for the body fat thing, so she really understands how to motivate me. She is the one who talked me into the bootcamp class, and at the end of every class she says, "Wasn't that GREAT?!" and I say back to her, "NO!" and she is quick to reply, "But you know you love the results!" And she is right. I really do have more energy and I love that I'm stronger and in better shape than I have been in a VERY long time. In fact, since I quit playing high school sports, I don't think I have ever been in good physical condition. (It's a good thing God gave our family healthy genes!) Our instructor Brandon is awesome and ends each class with a prayer, asking God for us to honor HIM with our bodies and to never let us become vain about them. And again, my lifetime accountability partners are my sisters...thanks so much, Karlyn, for getting me past the first BIG baby step by running with me in the 5K. And ran with us 5 hours away even though you didn't have to. Your dedication has always inspired me. Ecclesiastes 4:12 "A cord of three strands is not easily broken." We can do this!!!

4. Sometimes we have to stand alone in a commitment.
   Now, I know that I'm never truly "alone,"  but the hardest thing for me to do in this new lifestyle is to exercise alone (see opening sentence of #3). There are some days when I know it is a day for me to run, but I don't have a buddy to go with me. On Sunday, our guest preacher Charles Lowery repeated something I've heard him say before: "You don't feel your way into action; you ACT your way into feeling." I know that if I just get out there and DO IT, I will feel better. So I go. Not all the time though. In fact, a few days ago, I knew I should have gone running, and I didn't. I fell asleep on the couch about 6 pm, waking up at 7:30, thinking it was AM and that I was going to be late for work! Oh, if only I had gone running! Then I wouldn't have taken a nap, my sleep pattern would not have been thrown off for the night, and I wouldn't have sent my heart into unnecessary palpitations thinking I was late for my class. But I have gotten better. I have learned some strategies for getting through the run by myself, and strangely enough, my best strategy is to sing children's songs. "This Little Light of Mine" and "Deep and Wide" have gotten me up many hills! I love how the Lord brings Scripture to my mind, too. So thankful that we were taught to "hide God's Word in our hearts." I will run by myself now...but I still like it better with a buddy!

I'm sure this is only the beginning of what God is teaching me. I prayed that he would help me live a more disciplined life in 2012.  A healthier lifestyle is just one way He has been faithful to answer that prayer. Looking forward to seeing how He continues to be strong when I am weak.

I love you, family!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Karlyn: New set of legs!

It's official Joan, Christy, Morgan, and I (and whoever else registered that I don't know about) are running a 1/2 marathon in December.  At one point yesterday I thought I had totally lost my mind.  This is one goal that I'm really stretching hard to complete. 

Running isn't easy for me.  I do it because I don't like to walk.  After a mile I start thinking very negatively about not being able to keep going so I'm trying to pray for other things instead of thinking about my pitiful legs. 

We can do this.  I'm excited to go through this with y'all and hopefully finish without needing a new set of legs!